The Entente des Sociétés de la Commune de Steinfort was founded to support all the associations in the Commune and in general to in their interests and to create a direct link with the Municipality.
Anyone wishing to become involved in voluntary work will also be supported by the Entente.
691 642 779
The Äischdall Alphornbläiser were founded in autumn 2011, at that time still under the name Alphorntrio. We play traditional melodies and also our own compositions for church celebrations, private parties or other events.
Our team currently consists of 5 musicians and we rehearse as soon as members are available. We would be happy to have more reinforcements.
36 53 93
Aktikulti A.s.b.l. has been offering art projects that combine solidarity and creativity since 2001. We promote the encounter of children, young people and adults with art, culture and nature. Everyone is invited to stand out with colours, shapes, materials and also sounds. Among other things, Aktikulti creates and exhibits imaginative, creative works of art on the grounds "Hinter der Berk" (Zoo am Bulli, Blue Up, Setz Dech, Do ré mi Art, Gemustert, Que ça Schof....).
We organise the sculpture competition for the municipality of Stengefort, art and creative workshops for young and old and, among other things, the light installation in the forest for the Summer Dream Festival.
Aktikulti also organises regional exhibitions, such as Stone Box 8, in unusual places, with renowned artists.
Ampiras stands for : Association for pensioners, elderly or lonely people.
Our aim is to create a friendly framework through certain voluntary activities in order to help our fellow human beings not to fall into social isolation. In the following we understand e.g. cosy get-togethers with parlour games, day trips, bowling afternoons, barbecue evenings, St. Nicholas celebrations etc.
Mail :
GSM : 691 395 295
Mail :
GSM : 691 529 015
Al Schoul
16, rte de Luxembourg
L-8440 Steinfort
The aim of our association is to promote the Catholic religion in the parish of Stengefort.
Our club was formed in 1960 as an athletics and gymnastics society. Over the years, the athletics section disappeared and today we are a gymnastics club with around 200 active members. We became a non-profit association on 8 March 2005, and we would be delighted if you would take a look at our website and become a member of Athletico Steinfort asbl.
If you would like to become a member of Athletico Steinfort, simply write to us at
The Bierger*haus asbl oversees the establishment, development and management of the Bierger*Haus in Steinfort, providing support to any citizen wishing to organise an activity for the community.
Board game afternoons, get-togethers for (grand)parents, senior citizens, reading enthusiasts... a wide range of activities is possible for a wide range of residents.
Do you have an idea for an activity or project?
Contact us and together we'll set up your activity at the Bierger*Haus. Here, you decide the programme.
Cercle d'echecs Steinfort is a club where chess is played. Chess is a strategic game in which two players take turns moving chess pieces on a chessboard, the aim being that there is neither defence nor escape for the king. Today, chess is recognised as a sport by the International Olympic Committee. Our club was founded in 1975 and is a member of the FLDE (Chess Federation) and the FIDE (World Federation). Our club currently has a new team playing in the 2nd division on 6 boards.
Anyone interested can come to our games room every Thursday from 6pm in Kleinbettingen
As long as you do not participate in official tournaments, you do not need a licence and it costs nothing.
Georges Friederes
26300626 ou 621 188824
Marcel Klein
390434 ou 691 390434
As long as you don't take part in official tournaments, you don't need a licence and it costs nothing.
For years there were singing and music-making activities in the church of Stengefort, but it was not until 4 December 1963 that a mixed four-part choir was officially founded under the name "Chorale Ste Cecile Stengefort".
The aim and purpose of the new association was and still is the cultivation of church singing and secular singing.
We mainly embellish Sunday masses, church and secular services, weddings and funerals. From time to time, secular concerts are also on the programme. A special highlight of the year is the TV broadcast, which is shown on RTL.dok.
Our rehearsals take place on Mondays from 19.30 - 21.00 in the "Alte Schule" or in the Stengefort church.
691 52 90 15
As CIS Stengefort-Kärch we are under the command of the CGDIS and are ready to help people in need, this is completely voluntary and primarily in the areas of the municipalities of Stengefort and Kärch, but also beyond that with the fire brigade as well as with the ambulances. Furthermore, as an association we participate in all activities in the community and organise, among other things, a biscuit evening, the Vintage - Cars & Bikes and have a stand at the Christmas market. In addition, we also recruit a youth team aged between 8 and 16 to prepare them for operational service.
In any case, fun is not neglected here and we regularly go on an outing or organise a meal together.
49771 - 3743
Founded in 2010 by a group of friends, our petanque club has grown over the years to become one of the most active clubs in Steinfort.
With around forty active players who take part in official competitions, our club's main aim is to open up the game to young people and those with a wealth of experience.
In fact, we're always trying to ensure that all our players are able to evolve in a way that takes account of the cross-generational dimension.
Do you want to have a good time in a sport that's open to everyone, and that calls on both skill and strategy?
Whether you're looking for a leisurely game when the weather's nice or a competitive game, we've got something for you.
We look forward to welcoming you.
Opening hours of the playing fields
End of March to end of October: Open Tuesday to Friday from 16.00 to 20.00.
Franco Longhino / President
Mail :
Tél : +352 691 450 100
Vincent Wegnez / Vice-President
Mail :
Tél : +352 691 39 55 39
Training: Please inform yourself by mail or phone.
Friendship tournaments:
- Every year on Thursday after Ascension friendly tournament open to all: please ask for more info by mail.
De Club ass 2023 duerch Restrukturéierung vun den Traditiounsveräiner Wanderfalken Steinfort an Club des Jeunes Hagen-Kleinbettingen entstanen.
De Club organiséiert Aktivitéiten an Evenementer déi zum kulturellen, sportlechen a soziale Liewen innerhalb der Stengeforter Gemeng bäidroen. Zu dësen Evenementer gehéiert zum Beispill d'Buergbrennen, de Quizowend a nach villes méi.
Mellt iech op
Écovoisins Stengefort is an association that was created when a group of citizens came together in 2022 to create projects to promote the circular economy and sustainable living in Steinfort.
The association is currently involved in two main projects, the GiveBox and the RepairCafé. Écovoisins Stengefort also organises local events such as garage sales and swaps (clothes, plants, etc.). Projects in the pipeline include a tool library.
The GiveBox, an old telephone box, is a place to exchange toys, games and children's books. You can drop off your toys and pick up new ones.
At the RepairCafé you can fix electrical appliances or bicycles, sharpen knives or alter clothes. Volunteers will give your items a second life and teach you how to do it yourself.
The exchange of clothes, plants, etc., object for object, works without money. Visitors bring a certain number of items to donate and can choose a certain number of items to take with them.
Do you have an idea for a sustainable local project for Steinfort? Then get in touch and let's work together to make it happen!
The Entente des Sociétés de la Commune de Steinfort was founded to support all the associations in the Commune and in general to in their interests and to create a direct link with the Municipality.
Anyone wishing to become involved in voluntary work will also be supported by the Entente.
691 642 779
FC Stengefort is a football club where everyone is welcome. And has been since 1923.
A football licence can be obtained from the age of 5. In 2022 we had +- 140 enrolled children.
We also have an agreement with Allianz Äischdall (Habscht/Äischen) for various age categories.
e.g. Minimes * Cadets * Juniors from 13 to 18 years old
Futtballclub Stengefort
8,rue des Sports
L- 8449 Steinfort
Contact men and juniors from 16 years:
mail : Coordination@fcstengefort
President & Sports Director Men's Section
Guy Nilles
Mail :
GSM : +352 691 135 779
Contact for young players from 5 to 16 years
Rafael Gomes
Mail :
GSM : +352 691 250 889
The photo club has been around since the 1970s. Our club meetings are held regularly at the Villa Collart in Stengefort on the 2nd floor (lift). In our club room we have 2 powerful computers, an A3 photo printer, a slide/photo scanner, an S8 scanner, etc.
CLUB MEETINGS are generally held every 14 days by invitation per email.
Villa Collart, 2nd floor
15, Habschterstrooss, Stengefort
Kneip Romain, Chairman
Frieden Dan, Secretary / Treasurer
Are you interested in getting to know us and joining us?
Then contact us by email:
This association was founded in 1956. It is a member of the Luxembourg umbrella association: Gaart an Heem.
The purpose of the association is to bring gardening closer to its members and to assist them with advice and support in gardening matters. Our members receive an interesting gardening magazine and can participate in numerous gardening courses.
Our section organises various activities: the family festival, the Mother's Day celebration, the Father's Day celebration, a leisure market, etc. Most of these festivals take place at Hispic in Kleinbettingen.
Our Monday Painters basically meet every Monday evening at the fire hall in Hoen to pursue their hobbies of painting and handicrafts.
The committee is represented by Daniel Frieden, President, Jacques Muller, Secretary, and Armand Lanners, Treasurer.
If the association interests you, please speak to a committee member
The Kleinbettingen Music Association was founded on 30 August 1894 by railwaymen and customs officials under the name "Musik-, Gesang- und Feuerwehrverein Bettingen". In 1968, the music was given the name "Harmonie Kleinbettingen" and has been a non-profit association since 2006.
Altogether, the band has about 100 members and has been playing under the direction of Rob Köller since 2001. Friday evenings are always spent rehearsing in the music hall in Kleinbettingen (rue du Moulin) in preparation for the various concerts and processions throughout the year. A highlight here is the show concert in November, where additional themes and genres from music history are presented. With the support of colleagues, the musicians have been performing theatre again since 2016 (always in March).
In addition, in cooperation with the municipality, the music always organises the "Dag bei der Baach" (formerly "Dag um Weier") on the first weekend in September, where adults and children can experience a great weekend in Stengefort.
691 840 477
KULTUR STENGEFORT ASBL was founded in 2022 with the aim of organising cultural activities in the Steinfort municipality, in line with the interests of public and municipal bodies. It also organises and implements an artistic and cultural programme to complement the initiatives of the associations of the municipality of Steinfort, providing for the organisation of conferences, readings, concerts, exhibitions, theatrical performances, educational projects, the development of projects in the field of cultural tourism and other organisations compatible with the cultural destination of the municipality.
The aim of the association is to promote young artists from the Greater Region in the fields of art, literature and music, through partnerships, exchanges and cooperation with neighbouring municipalities, and to develop solidarity actions/projects aimed at supporting artists in precarious situations, due to illness, disability or force majeure (e.g. refugees).
In particular, KULTUR STENGEFORT ASBL organises the Summerdream Festival.
The Landakademie is a coordination centre for the promotion of training and leisure opportunities in rural areas. The aim of the platform and the brochures published is to improve access to training and provide a comprehensive overview of training opportunities in rural areas. The aim is to raise awareness of the importance of "life long learning".
We repair all kinds of IT equipment on site and advise our visitors on problems. These services are free of charge.
In addition, we sell or exchange "refurbished" computer equipment at our flea market.
+352 247 565 40
Muppentreff Stengefort ass eng Asbl déi sech unt’Proprietären vu Muppen aus der Gemeng Stengefort an Ëmgéigend riicht déigäre wëllen e flotten Austausch mat aneren hunn an dat ganzt bei flotteSpadséiergäng mat de Muppen zesummen.
Wann dir Deel vun dëser Aventure wëllt ginn da mellt Iech aschreift Iech als Member bei eis an.
Mir freeën eis ob vill flott gemeinsam Momenter.
+352 691881200
We are a children's and youth choir. Children can start with us from the age of 5, beyond that there is no age limit.
Our association was officially founded in November 1974 at the suggestion of some teachers. The Péckvillers developed into an active association and became a player in the cultural life of the community.
Today our choir is under the direction of Pia Elvinger, a dedicated conductor who knows how to inspire children to sing. Our activities include concerts, on our own stage or we sing as guests, e.g. at the Christmas market in Stengefort or at the HIS, the family reunions and a spring concert. For the Hoener Kiermes, the Mutton March is on the programme, and we cook and sell Easter eggs.
At the end we go on an excursion together.
Interested children can sign up at any time or come to rehearsal on Saturday mornings.
Line Christophe (Secretary)
Tél. 621 814 813 or
Pia Elvinger (Conductor)
Tél. : 621 795 977
Rehearsals take place on Saturday mornings outside school holidays in the fire brigade hall in Hagen (15, rue de l'Ecole), from 10h30-12h00.
Rido 85 was founded on 28 June 1985 by several theatre enthusiasts from the Steinfort community.
It is a non-profit organisation that mainly performs plays that entertain the audience.
The aim is to make theatre fun for people. Rido 85 takes place once a year on two weekends.
The group currently consists only of amateurs. Anyone interested is welcome to contact us!
621 288 885
Our group was founded in 2005 and after a series of trainings, our leadership team has been offering childcare since September 2007. Today our group has over 60 members and we look forward to much involvement in the group as well as any child, leader or committee member interested in joining.
Our leaders look after children from 5 years old in different age groups. From the age of 16 you can also become a leader in the association and take part in the various FNEL training courses.
If you would like to visit us sometime, don't hesitate and contact us!
Discover the world of Scouting:
Friendship, fun and games, respect and tolerance.
Take responsibility, plan and work together
Live in and with nature
621 133 630
The Steinfort Music was founded in 1910. Around 40 musicians play under the direction of Laurent Bauvin, a trumpeter well-known in music circles.
The music is present at many local events and festivities, such as the May Day celebration, communion, national holidays, fairs, memorial days and Christmas markets.
Several times a year, the Steinforter Musik is also invited by other music associations from Luxembourg and abroad for concerts.
Every year the Steinforter Musik plays its gala concert, a summer concert and is co-organiser of the funfair and the Christmas market.
Except during the school holidays, rehearsals are generally held every Thursday at 19:30 in Steinfort in the music hall, rue de Kleinbettingen 20.
Do you play music? Have you played music before and would like to start again? Then get in touch with us. e. G. at our e-mail address. We welcome all musicians and volunteers who would like to join us on the committee or support us at our events.
39 75 48
Taekwondo (Korean 태권도) or TKD for short is a Korean martial art (Olympic discipline since 2000) that is often practised as a combat sport. The three syllables of the name stand for foot technique (Tae), hand technique (Kwon) and way (Do). Although Taekwondo has many similarities with other Asian martial arts, it differs from them in several essential ways. Taekwondo technique is designed for speed and dynamism, which is not least due to competition. In Taekwondo, the foot techniques dominate more clearly than in comparable other martial arts.
This Korean martial art offers something for the whole family.
TKD is the ideal balance to reduce everyday stress. TKD trains the entire body, promotes concentration, self-confidence, self-discipline, stamina, endurance and offers extremely effective self-defence.
Classes are conducted under the guidance of ENEPS certified and qualified instructors. We have a section for children and adults
621 276 333
Club - Year of foundation: 1970
◦ 4 outdoor pitches ("clay surface")
◦ 2 covered pitches ("clay surface")
◦ approx. 110 children in the tennis school
◦ active member of the FLT
◦ regular organiser of official tournaments (national and international):
▪ on average 6 national tournaments
▪ 1 international tournament - Tennis Europe per year since 2008 (except in COVID years).
◦ Interclubs: 1st women's team of National I and 1st men's team of National II.
◦ Regular organisation of "Soirées à thèmes" (Chili con Carne, Couscous,...)
The non-profit organisation "Portugues driver union in Luxembourg" was founded in early 2020 by a group of friends who share the same profession and the same passion.
Its main objective is to support professional drivers in Luxembourg, as well as to help drivers who have just arrived in Luxembourg with their social and professional integration, whatever their country of origin.
691 53 60 91 9h00-18h00
Mechanical Freaks is a club for all those interested in young and classic cars who want to exchange ideas with others.
The activity we organise, the Vintage Cars & Bikes, a swap meet and exhibition of classic cars, takes place every year on the first weekend in August.
We also have other activities as a club, such as visiting other swap meets and exhibitions where our members can enjoy their passion.
Mechanical Freaks is a club of collectors and lovers of old mechanics.
Besides the main event "Vintage Cars & Bikes", we also organise excursions and participation in special scholarships at home and abroad.
621 153 311
The Steinfort Volleyball Club was founded in 1974. The club is currently represented by the women's team in the National Division and the 2nd women's team in the 1st Division.
Furthermore, we have a men's team that is represented in the 2nd division.
An U19 men's team has been in existence since the 2022/23 season.
At the youth level, Steinforter Volleyball Club has both a Minimes and a Scolaires team.
We also have 2 beach volleyball courts which can be used from spring to autumn.
We are a Steinforter club that gives everyone the opportunity to play an interesting sport and at the same time to feel like a big family and to make friends.
691 39 54 02
(+352) 39 93 13 1